As I said in last night's post, I need more felt...So, failing to get started last night, I spent this morning, what little was left of it once I rose my corpse from bed...making felt. Felt is, it has to be said, one of the few things that swayed me into choosing textiles...which is odd, seeing as I never used it, once first year was over and done with..possibly because my lectures called my felt samples 'twee' and "kitsch", both of which I didn't know the meanings of at the time, and still don't fully understand why either is a 'bad' thing...
Felt making is, labour intensive, for what it is...Its just felt, after all, at the end of the day...just a base, well my felt is. And my felt is poor, at the best of times...but when I see swatches of Marino wool, my heart does a little dance, and I nearly feel like singing...I suppose Art College was good for something...I have a small stolen supply of wool in the colours I like the most...
Aren't they lovely?
The only thing Im missing really is a carder...but God gave us fingers and hands for a reason I suppose...
I do love brush the wool out and getting all the fibers in the right order...Im so sad...but what can you do? So I was at that for quite awhile...I made dark blue, teal, light green, light blue with gold flecks and deep pink with green flecks...I think the most fun is the actual 'washing' part...all soapy and warm water and bubble wrap and sudsy lovely felt :) Thats how those feckers roped me in to textiles...damn them...There is something so very...empowering mite be too strong a word, but I cant think of anything else, right at this moment...about making 'cloth' out of really know that you can make fabric, just by crossing over some wirey fibers...its a nice thing to know I guess...
Then darling squeak came in, as she is now in the habit of doing...I think the pads of her little feet look like pink jelly beans...
I love her company...
So this is what I have to show for, literally hours of work...5 quite small pieces of pretty crap felt... :D but they will come in handy, Im sure...Mum got me dark green fabric dye today, so Im going to dye two dresses tomorrow...if I have enough salt...which I doubt... o.O It would be typical of me to forget one of the key ingredients...wouldn't it...
Dinner...Mushy peas (and I don't care what you think of them, I think they are lovely) and Ryvita...I didn't really feel like anything too crazy tonight...The last few days Ive had proper dinners...but today...effort and everything...cant beat mushy peas...cant bate them with a shtick...
The moon...just a sliver of a thing lovely. The moon, the ocean and mountains always give me a lot of hope. It I can see the moon, nothing else really matters, within reason...Its the one thing that we all have in common...It is over all of us. And if you look up and see it, chances are, so is the person you are thinking of...Mum says that sometimes, when me and the boy are both gone...she looks at the moon and remembers that it is over all three of us...So that no matter how far we all are away from each other, we're never really that far...
Midnight snack... this ^^^ has been my weakness the last two- three days...after sitting in the fridge, idle, for the last couple months, Ive started attacking the chilli pickle with such a vengeance...but it is oh, so good...if you like indian...or extreme heat...then this bad boy will not fail to deliver :) I used to stir it in to rice, if I was having broccoli/peas/ lift it all and give it a good I just lash it on to some toast with mature cheese :) With tea, you cant go wrong...
As I have watched basically all my dvds, bar my collection of L Word (which I will prolie dive in to tomorrow) or my series of Carnival (also...tomorrow...) I watched Atonement (which I love) and Babe, Pig in the City...Now, Babe is just fantastic, there is really no denying...and there are some good little one liners that make me laugh so much that my dad came in to check on me...Ferdinand, the duck, and one point says... "A, they weren't very nice people, B, their long gone...C is for Comikozi and D is for delusional, which is what you are in the head"...I hope one day I get to quack shout those words at someone...
Squeek comes to my room to canoodle with large actually has NOTHING to do with me...
I made 3 more owls, but didn't take any picks, and Im not about to in this will have to wait till tomorrow...
I don't really know how I feel about today. I don't know if I got a lot done. I did get a phone call from Emma...I never get phone calls...they always scare the by-jayzus out of me...because I assure, if your calling...that means there is something VERY important, that cant be said in a txt, or email, or facebook...thingy... (isn't it terrible that I associate the HUMAN VOICE with PANIC and bad things???)...It was a lovely chat...I love talking, and its really nice talking on the phone, when you haven't been able to leave the house in days and you miss HUMAN CONTACT...
Tomorro, Im going to make labels...and get up before 10...this sleeping in thing has totally messed with my internal clock...hopefully dye those dresses and do some much needed laundry...I have to
I keep forgetting all about it, and time is ticking on... : / ...procrastination is NOT my friend...I have to stop acting like it is...
I also have to stop writing things here, and then immediately after they are written...delete them...
how is it quarter to 3 already...
3 am is possibly one of the loneliest times on the planet...and its even lonelier when your awake...I need to start sleeping long before this dreaded hour...
sounds like you had a very productive day shelly , like you made loads of connections and that beautiful felt , well done you ........see you soon :)