Thursday, October 7, 2010

My will...dont read it if its going to freak you out. You have been warned.

just a warning
if you read this, please don't comment saying something like 'im worried about you' or 'are you alright' i don't want to hear it.
ive had a lot of time to think about things, and i just want this written somewhere easily accessed…just incase. it has already been written in journals etc, but god knows which ones or where they are, and im not about to go through everything i own…besides, things have changed since the last time i wrote this.

but for now

if i do die, and in there is no hope to save me, everything has been done, etc…donate my organs. whoever gets my eyes is going to be lucky :)

i don't want to be buried. technically.
and i suppose you can wake me…it seems to help the people mourning…eventhough it freaks the stuffing out of me…
if i am to be waked, i want to be waked in the house…not in town. i don't agree with that thing of every person walking in off the street…its not…its just not right. i don't want that
i want flowers…loads…millions…any kinds…the less formal they are..the better…please no wreaths of the traditional sense…keep your money. wild flowers are much more beautiful. or make me a flower. that would be amazing.
i want to be cremated. i don't mind burning, but being buried is making me slightly clostro thinking about it…and really…in 80 years, anyone who knows me now, will prolie be gone…ill just be a head stone, an expensive headstone…no thank you. humans are too temporary to be so defined in death…

so please cremate me…i want my ashes put into little viles…whoever wants one, can have one…but you know, use descretion in handing me out if theres any takers…i don't want to go home with everyone. if i didn't like you in life, i wont like you in death, and id say i wouldn't be the friendliest ghost at times…:)
if no one wants me…i want to be divided out…a piece of me buried with a tree…preferably a lilac tree…or silver birch…dogwood…or white thorn…at home.
then i would like some of me to go to the ocean…i actually think ballylochnan…would be nice…i feel at home there…
and i would like some in and around the mountains by kylemore…just let the breeze catch me, ill find my own way…

my stuff…i cant bring it with me…if you see something that means something to you, have it..i think i would like all my 'art' to stay together…that just makes more sense to me

so sorry about the morbid topic. but its the age of the internet and all that. so what better way to skip the bullshit, really :)
unless blogger goes down, this will always be here, so you will always know.

if there are changes, which i doubt…ill just change them here…keep it all tidy :)

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