Wednesday, October 20, 2010



i have always had a soft spot for that word
i have strange relationships with words
in that
i associate them with things, like i associate colours with things, and certain songs with people and places and events

i will forever associate the colour red with math, because i used to put red covers on my math books…because i hate red…and hate math.
it made sense in my head…
i understand colours faster then i understand words…

but the word echo…i just love it so much. i love the sound of it and what in conjures up, the pictures it makes in my mind. it amazes me, what one little combination of 4 letters can paint inside me.

the horse riding place me and chris used to go to celebrate my birthdays in america was called echo lake…
echo…suggests repetition to me…memories skipping down through time…



even saying it aloud, nearly does the trick…you nearly echo if you say it slowly enough…

it is a sad word i think. it sounds empty…like, emptiness…hollow…endless space…

a place that would make an echo.
vast barren landscapes…cold mountains

but nevertheless…i still like the word

i like the word pillow too
i like the way, if you say it over and over enough, it starts to lose its meaning…
it just becomes a sound…a meaningless sound…

oh jesus…
i need to get out of my head 

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