A lot can change in a week...or any length of time, for that matter.
I remember when I was in Kylemore...the odd time I would go home for the weekend, I'd come back, thinking nothing could possibly have happened in those two days...but I would come in, thrown down my stuff, search out someone...ask if i'd missed anything...and be regaled with hours and hours of story telling...I always managed to miss something exciting or scandalous...I think thats why I didn't want to go home...I had far too much fun there...
A lot can happen in 2 days...
2 minutes is the maximum length of time mum is aloud emergency phone calls at work. Their calls are recorded and timed...they have to aim to get out all the info in under 2 minutes...whats the emergency, where is it...who are you...etc etc...while also mobilizing all the things that the person needs...if it a fire truck...coast guard...etc...2 minutes can be the difference between the fire truck being sent down the right road, and finding a car accident in enough time to save the people trapped inside... Im sure those 2 minutes feel like 2 hours to mum...
A lot can happen in 2 minutes...
Summer Holidays...Kylemore and College were proof of this...everyone goes home with the best of intentions of keeping in touch over the holiday...but...life happens...people are too far away...and basically everyone waits to exchange their news when they get back. I think that was my favorite time in Kylemore...The catching up sessions. Everyone arrived back at different times of the day and sometimes the night. We would all fill each other in on what had happened, while we packed away our things, or didn't, as the case may be...it was so exciting...being all together again, and talking and laughing...
A lot can happen in 2 months...
So much has happened in the last two years...so many things that I would not have been able to foresee happening...good and bad
So much can happen in 2 years...
Two seconds...a split second is the difference between catching Lilly bug right before she falls, or her bumping her little noggin and crying...
Its an eternity where thoughts are concerned...
A light bulb illuminating a darkened room...
So much can happen in 2 seconds...
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