Tuesday, November 9, 2010

walking with a ghost

it is a pretty glorious day out there, thankfully. the storm has passed, and we can all leave our houses again, even if its just to get to another house...
i was trying to write this all day yesterday, but it wasn't coming out right...
sometimes that happens.
you think of something and say 'yes, thats perfect...wheres my book'
and by the time you have pen and paper in front of you
you have either forgotten
or it comes out backwards

not this morning
it was very easy

i love writing
i don't think im great at it
but it helps me sort things out in my head
and document different things

i love personification and symbolism
i love describing the wind as a lover messing with your hair...
and things like that

i try to write like that
because those are the types of things i most like reading


  1. the last two lines say it all ...we re-create when we crate and that is what you do so well ....a lovely post shelly :)

  2. it is true tho, isn't it... :) we are constantly re-inventing things already invented...in order to understand, and make new and better things :)
