Friday, January 7, 2011

I went for a lovely long walk needed to clear my head out...I tell you...the backlog of things in there...all sorted now tho...Im going to get out the giant white board tomorrow and make a plan for the comics...a rough one mind you...cant be setting too many things in stone so early.

Watched the two videos I made yesterday of nana and mum talking...I said (whispered) a few little things, not thinking the camera would pick it up...
PLEASE someone tell me that I DO NOT sound like THAT?????
What sort of accent is that anyway....and how is it that we don't hear ourselves when we talk?
Ghastly... :(

Anywho...I am going to sleep RIGHT NOW...
Ok, not soon as I get off this, put the cats out, put the makeshift lemon meringue pie I made today into the fridge, and throw some pj's on.
Ill prolie have to take some of the Christmas decorations down tomorrow :(

I think when I have my own house, Im going to have a tree (not necessarily a christmas tree) up all year round, so I can decorate it according to the seasons... that would be nice...

You want to know something else nice...???
This evening's sunset...phenomenal

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