Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The last 3 days, Ive just been bursting with energy, I don't know where it has come from.
Yesterday, after rearranging the entire living room, I started on my bedroom, just tidying, I thought
No no...it turned in to a full on SPRING (in January) clean, the likes of which, I don't think my room has ever seen.
I now have two bursting bags of clothes and various other bits and pieces for the charity shop...another bag of clothes that cant be given away because they are either falling the pieces or their too stained and shitty...

I put some screws in to the inside of my wardrobe so I could hang my embroidery hoops on the inside, so they aren't in the way, another one for my scissors, and another one of the inside of the wardrobe door for a hanger that hangs all my tights up.
I started going though all my fabric that Ive collected over the years, things that I really cant use and will never be able to use, Im getting rid...to make room for nice material that I will use. Its  a big job though, so Ive put everything away for now, so I can hit the hay. I mite take a break from it tomorrow, and start on a drawing. I don't want to go nuts on the cleaning/reorganising because itl wear me out totally, and I wont be fit for anything else.

Me and mum watched Grey's Anatomy today, and we watched it last night on rte player, and watched the Moon and the Sledgehammer as well, which was lovely.

Im tired, which is more than I can say I was last night...had such a hard time getting to sleep last night, I was so wired from cleaning and everything...

It feels good to be getting rid of things tho. Things I haven't worn in aver a year...why am I holding on to them...things I haven't used in I cant remember how long, Im just getting rid.

I. do. not. need. to. keep. everything

I have to keep reminding myself of that....

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