Monday, January 3, 2011

Make Me Merry Monday

"Those new genetically modified organic chickens are off the tits!!!"

Picture the scene...Im running in and out of the kitchen, tending to the main meal of the evening...juggling roast veg and brussels sprouts with helping Eoghain with his website layout. Letting the cats in and out, answering Dad's phone, which he constantly forgets to bring with him...playing around with the tablet and talking to Jane on the dog and bone.
After I put the carrots and parsnips into the oven to roast, I decided it would be as good a time as any to baste the chicken...not totally essential, but its a nice thing to do...
Lift the tin foil off to reveal that!
And in a split second of pure blonde stupidity I didn't cop that the two protruding bulges were half lemons 0.0
I am soooooo dim sometimes, I shock myself
But the chicken shocked me, so I started laughing hysterically and nearly let that damn thing slide out of the oven...but not quite.
It totally took me by surprise and had me in fits of giggles all night.

And before you say anything, it was mother's doing.
You wouldn't think she'd be capable of something like that, would you??
Pure Devilment :D

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