Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Im not really sure what it is
Im sure there is a word to put on it, but I just cannot be bothered trolling through the internet dictionary looking for it
I think there is something, that affects certain people more then others...
That they go against everything that is around them, in a way.
That factors that SHOULD influence them, just don't, for one reason or another, and I would love to know what that reason is
Is it some sort of deep rooted, star given strength that allows them to bi-pass the parenting and pressure and media and etc etc etc, and just sort of make their own root, without realizing it?

I say this, because by all intents and purposes, I should have a major eating disorder.
And i don't say that lightly.
I should be calorie counting, and marking down what I eat, or don't eat at all.
And getting up at the crack of dawn to do laps around the garden, and go for 26 mile long cycles every other day.

But I don't.

And Im not in the other extreme, where Im just shoveling food down my gullet as quickly as humanly possible either.

I don't fall into either of those, even though, I really should

And  I don't know why they haven't kicked in.

But Im glad they haven't,
And I hope they don't.


  1. "Im not really sure what it is
    Im sure there is a WORD to put on it, but I just cannot be bothered trolling through the internet dictionary looking for it
    I think there is something, that affects certain people more then others...
    That they go against everything that is around them, in a way."

    That word is procrastination

  2. ...I'm not sure that procrastination is the right word for what I meant. Procrastination is the act of doing things, when really you should be doing something else more "important". The word I was searching for, was one that would mean 'the act of not being influenced by factors, that should ordinarily, influence us...ie parents, peers, media...etc
