Saturday, December 18, 2010

**** Snow ****

The walk in to the post office yesterday morning. The first picture is of the rail way pretty.
Then it started to snow when I was walking up town...and thats the statue next to the post office :)

And me, caked in snow after town :)

My footprint heart I did in the back garden last night


Home...why would I ever leave ???

And Reilly, looking like a handsome devil 

Just when we thought that maybe we had lived through the cold snap, to tell the tale, December has hit us with yet another powdering...a dusting if you will...a SHED LOAD of snow....but Im not complaining. Yesterday, when I looked out, and saw the white blanket that covered everything, I just beamed to myself. Snow has the ability to knock any bad mood, ill feeling, uncertainty, pessimism, and gereral 'meh-ness' that I may be experiencing. It completely lifts me out of myself. And, yes...I know that its a pain, and everything else...but I just don't see that side of things. 
It slows time right down. It makes us take stock of what we have (literally)...we become creative, resourceful, or incredibly determined...depending on the circumstances. 

And really, everything else aside...everything just looks so beautiful, dressed in white.

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